Furniture of My Heart


For those who've had a visit 
say my heart smells like home
Doors so wide open
they're almost invisible,
to walk in with no knocks
and stay in
- for as long as you wish. 
As you arrive,
feel free to unload
layers of exhaustion
onto the wooden coatrack
nailed hard into tough tiles. 
Black-coated window sills
of my heart,
are all secured
with levels of empathy and trust,
to bottle up your deepest secrets
and worst nightmares. 
Towards the north,
seven see-through glass shelves
stand tall against the carpet of care,
Flaunting scars of past loves
and of heartbreaks. 
On one cozy corner 
rests a roomy recliner
for you to sit back when jumpy
and sleep to the rhythms
of my beating heart. 
At the center of my heart,
a glittery chandelier set-up
reflects all the love
that my words fail to express.
As you stay, 
with a faulty clock set up so high
against the walls of my heart,
time swiftly slips by 
- with no ticking.
when it's time to leave
let the doors remain wide open,
for my heart to host
yet another guest,
who walks in with no knocks.


  1. may your poems and thoughts keep flowing, until long. Give your best shot at everything, one day at a time. May many of your poem make the readers go into a time lapse. Try not to bid a goodbye to your poetry. Let all your poems be blissful with all the colors blooming like red an yellow. A big thanks for these everyday little things. People from the 70's and even the millennials could enjoy these poems of love and only love, growing up through their life: be it men or women.

  2. Hotel is where one's an unattached guest but home is where one always comes back to, no alternative.
    Open the doors to your heart only to those that are willing to stay, as you too deserve the love you so graciously give to others, luz de la luna. :)


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