Fragile; Handle with Care.


Sitting seas apart,

yet under the same sky;

Heavily I hold- all of my beating heart.

Striking off the prices of past heartbreaks,

I wrap it all, for you.

I wrap all my heart

under bubble-wraps of insecurities,

under added layers of fantasies & fangirling;

into a black carton of deep poetry

-written all on your name.

Impulsively then,

the void inside is filled

-with paper grass of endless overthinking

and foam balls painted in patience.

Hastily I fold the paperbacks over the edges

of instant mood swings;

securing the box with tape rolls

of trust and tolerance.

For I know,

a larger piece of my heart

is at risk of being lost

-forever this time.

Yet, firmly threading the ends of a bow

drenched in love,

I fasten a note, for you.

A note that reads:

"To love, I am all in.

 Fragile; Handle with Care."

The girl who loves you,

is not flawless.

She is miles away,

from something perfect,

and further away,

to something magical.

For she knows one thing right,

showering onto you

- all the love of her world.

- J. 


  1. WoW akka chala beautiful ga undhi
    Feels ayithe vere level
    Super and it made my day

  2. Welcome back. It's good to see you again, was worried for a second there.
    This poem is just beautiful, nobody's perfect but that just makes us unique [perfect's boring anyways ;)]. Also, does seem like your wishes are coming true.
    Hope you continue writing and are doing good, mi amor.

    1. Hey there, mystery person. :):
      Well, isn't it in your hands to make your wishes come true?

    2. Indeed mademoiselle, indeed it is.


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