The Girl who Loves You.


The girl who loves you admires roses

a little more than your morning face.

The girl who loves you, shoots questions bluntly,

about triggers, trips and trees;

to your friend lists and favourite sweets. 

She adores the way you spark a smile,

soon after you see her.


The girl who loves you, adorns a puppy face,

-all cutesy, to get you sing a song;

or skip a sour pill or two when sick.

This girl sing songs, writes poetry,

and asks too many questions bluntly,

when she misses you the most.


Her love for you, is daunting, yet comforting;

like the added layer of chocolate chips

on Vanilla ice-cream;

Like the first sip of coffee on a lazy morning.

You for her, feel like home,

all warm and cozy.

You for her, is someone worthy

of all good things of the universe.



  1. This called me single in 20 languages

    1. Haha, the wait is totally worth it, friend! ;)

  2. Welll akka after Gautam Menon's movies this lovely poem gave me a hope that even i can have a love story plus I am glad to be one of your favorite reader
    Also you won't believe the fact that ee roje nenu anukuntuna meru rasi chala rojulu ayindhi ani and then this made my day, week, month and mood
    Thank you for this
    And may let your animuthyalu flow forever

  3. Very nice one!!Keep writing and posting more!!!

  4. As wonderful as this poem seems, there still feels something's missing here. Hope ye are doing alright, ma chèrie. Take care.

    1. Nothing is ever complete, mi querido. Aren't we all in search of those missing pieces anyway?

    2. All i seek is all i am, la miel, but I do hope your 11:11 wishes get fulfilled soon. Merry Christmas and a happy new year, la belleza.

  5. When will the next poem come out? eagerly waiting for it!!


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