Of Love, and Only Love.

A story it is, of love And only love. In the land of charm left unexplored by 'em all, lived two lovers; Sharing love somewhere between Chocolate chips And Nutella jars. The air smelled of bliss and beauty, As the moonlit skies watched them dance barefoot; to the songs- Of their beating hearts. Across the street Stood the love poems I have ever penned down: awwing at this tale, of love, And only love. For they, Were more than just two young girls silly in love, Rising high above the hushed whispers, And gender limits. Now Red, is the dearest tone no more. In seven striking shades of love, they soaked the otherwise greyish skies, Relishing pride like never before. Like how few of John Green's infinities, are bigger than the others; An endless story it remains forever: Of love, and only love. ...