Had I met you in the 70’s.

Had I met you in the 70's, you'd be farther away than just a few clicks on my phone. Maybe we'd end up in the same library exchanging smiles across the table; Smuggling polaroids & flowers between the pages. For me, you would have been more than just my love at first sight; maybe you'd feel like home. We might perhaps bond over star gazing under the same sky - at different places. Maybe you'll manage to cycle a dozen kilometers just to see me - at the slightest chance you get. The next week as we meet at our usual spot, while 'Chura liya hai tumne jo dil ko nazar nahi churana sanam...' plays across the street over a radio, You'll tell me how beautiful my eyes were and I look aside blushing. Maybe time would feel the slowest, when waiting for your letter at the threshold, for straight four days. On a finer day, one of us might possibly be brave enough To admit their feelings And end this silent ...